Friday, February 1, 2008

Pau Gasol trade fallout

Big news in NBA today w/ a major trade happening ( all that "chatter" had amounted to nothing until today), but first, a movie review from critic Robert Yan: Hot Rod. Do NOT see this movie. At all costs, avoid it. I don't care if you're at the video store and ur bored out of ur mind and u've seen "Bambi" five thousand times and u have nothing better to see and the packaging on the DVD is so groovy and u've always had a closet obsession of daredevils, DO NOT watch this movie. In fact, if possible, remove any trace of the title of the movie i talked about from your mind. See how easy that was?

Seriously though, the movie is just a laugh-squeezer with dozens of attempts at slapstick, also comedic efforts through just being ridiculously stupid.........not workin for me.

Ok, well, the aforementioned "huge deal" in the NBA today was pau gasol goin to the lakers for literally peanuts in real players ( actually, maybe even less than peanuts, cuz peanuts don't necessarily hurt ur team like kwame brown does) and a couple of first round draft picks in later years for PAU GASOL! Wow, the lakers just got tremendously better, cuz in the NBA there's a natural lack of "pieces of the puzzle" given the fact there's only 5 of your guys on the court at a time. Given the fact that they already had one superstar, this deal is just awesome, brings in another bona fide star ( not really a superstar, but definite stud) at a position that they just coincidentally need help in w/ bynum out. I'm just looking at the lakers potential playoff lineup and lickin my chops. You got the young emerging star in bynum at center, gasol the rock at PF, lamar odom who for a long time has been the supposed 2nd option but can now relax at SF, KOBE the best player in the game but for argument's sake at least a top 3 player, and playoff vet derek fisher. Plus OFF the BENCH you have guys like farmar and turiaf, high-energy guys who can come in and really be a plus factor, and now they're fresh for the whole game. Oh man am i loving the lakers right now. All cuz of one, long-time-comin deal. Kobe should have no reason to complain about managerial decisions now. He needs to lead this team to another championship.

Fantasy fallout? I would think this might have somewhat of a detrimental effect on all players still on the lakers and especially gasol cuz he's no longer the #1 option and will really only get the ball seldomly, probably very little in crunch time. Same applies for all the other lakers, there's only enough possessions to go around for everybody. Hold on, though, there might be upsides tho as pau and bynum now are two beasts on the boards and can block guys coming into the lane without fear of lettin easy rebs go by, so i dunno. This team should really flow together and open up some offensive opportunities for each other just by the sheer number of threats they have, and i think that'll lead to at least a few points higher per game.

For memphis, this is another step in the maturation of rudy gay, as he is now the #1 option, and his scoring opportunities increase like none another, although other guys will get more run like juan carlos navarro, kyle lowery, hakeem warrick, darko milicic and hypothetically stromile swift...............except stromile swfit got traded today ALSO to the nets, so HE GONE! Kwame will still be kwame and the grizz will realize that, so DON'T pick him up plz. If you've ever seen any lakers games, chances are u've seen kwame suck. That's the real kwame. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Just wanted to note also that Brad Miller is becoming a beast this season and that was especially evident tonight against a tough hornets defense..........he picked up 22 points, 14 rebs, 4 asts, 1 three, 1 stl, and 1 blk, and just 1 turnover. See brad? This is what happens when u try. Watch out for the kings, they got a legit lineup now w/ all their starters back and miller actually makin white basketball players look good. They could be someone's problem come time the eighth seed has to be decided. Bibby, Martin, Artest, Miller, and a solid bench w/ guys like salmons and garcia developing this season cuz they got starters' roles early could equate to a late-season run. Too bad they're in the west.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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