Saturday, April 14, 2007

Fantasy Sport Guru blog !

Alright, so it's been a busy month, but the main reason I haven't written anything is that i haven't been able to access this blog.........I logged into google with the wrong info and password, but with that being said, I'm back..............and the NBA season is almost over. Boo.

It was a very learning-filled and memorable NBA season, though, and really I think we'll look back at the 2006-2007 season as a developmental season as far as fantasy is concerned. We had the same stars of fantasy like Marion, Garnett, and Nowitzki do their thing, but a little further down a lot of young guys stepped up, and superstars in the making really took that next step into their games, while some veterans are taking a step out, starting their fade.

LeBron James: Figured out his FT problems after having a tough stretch in middle of season. Should be EVEN BETTER next year. Carmelo Anthony: If you watched the nuggets this year, really took a big step in developing his game into a post-up, free-scoring player. Arrival of AI didn't hurt.

We witnessed ( heh, witness!)the emergence of AI2, Andre Iguodala, as he became the key guy in the Philadelphia offense. Samuel Dalembert also stepped up his game and proved he can go a whole season while putting up better offense in pts and rebounds. The Haitian Sensation should be good for many years.

JOSH SMITH. What can I say about this guy. Brandon Funston on Yahoo! Sports is starting to call him the Human Eraser, and I'd have to concur. This guy is a certified freak with his hops, and stays relatively healthy for a guy who literally jumps out of the gym while swatting people's shots. And he's only 20/21. Scary.
Gerald Wallace: Same story w/ the defensive numbers, a little less dependable w/ the health.

Kevin Martin: I traded Kevin Martin in the middle of the year after his breakout start, figuring his frail body would break down, but he stayed strong the rest of the year. His pct's are just great to have around, and very little turnovers. I see myself targeting this guy in all drafts in coming years. Watch out for Rashard Lewis. He's no longer that young, but after seeing his all-around game in Seattle, some contender will want him to become even more of a force.

Fading guys: Paul Pierce. The Truth was hurt a lot this year. T-Mac: This is the last year I will be drafting him unless he comes at a huge discount. Ray Allen: End of the road?

Anyone watch Heroes? That show is great, it has its own version of the Haitian Sensation, I'd have to say much better than Lost, and it connects its storylines deliciously. Watch it. Actually, watch the first four episodes of it and try to not watch the other 14. I dare you. Do it. I'm not kidding.

Alright, good to have the readership back,
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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