Sunday, March 4, 2007

o how i love my own website

I just sorta realized this, but this is pretty much my own free website- I run the show, I create the content, I can get people to view it from anywhere. I'm excited now.

I'm actually writing this late sunday night/monday morning, but o well.

Caron Butler had 7 TO's today vs. GSW.......too many. It reminds me of earlier in the season when he was turning it over a lot too, the middle of the season was his best stretch.

Delonte West had 0 pts at halftime, finished with 31 pts, 10 asts. Wow. Granted, w/ overtime in there too, but still.
Michael Redd = 52 pts, Ben Gordon = 58 pts. Nuff said. See, the thing about those guys is, i always undervalued them cuz they don't get the sexy stats like stls and blks and even rebs and assts they leave to be desired, but their points are amazing, and especially this year their percentages have been great, especially FT%. I've never owned either but i might starting next year.

Another player i've never owned: Ray Allen. Came back from injury to have another career game. This guy's so sick. I never think he's gonna do anything, then he explodes.

Ricky Davis is quietly having a pretty good season being the 2nd man in Minnesota.

Alright. I'm gonna go to sleep. Big Finance test tommorrow. ( Squeezes fingers.)

O I DID wanna mention this- all last week I stayed up on youtube watching The Mole II: the next betrayal, which i paid attention to for a bit back in 2002 but now I enjoy how fun it is. I can't believe it got cancelled...........that's the show that I really want to be brought back and me be a contestant on, it's almost a life goal for me. I guess even getting it back tho would be a long shot. Sigh. The episodes are so good, though, better than survivor AND amazing race, honors its tagline of "the smartest show on TV!" Most entertaining player: Al. Darwin I thought was also quite good at playing and possible mole for me, but unfortunately he got eliminated a little early.
Best game: Evader/Pass the Ball. Pass the ball was such a simple game but had so much psychology/subtleness in it, especially after Anderson brought out the "tapes" to show everybody, it was sabotage on top of sabotage on top of sabotage. So go out there and watch the mole so some network will pick it up for season 3. PLEASE!

-Fantasize on, Robert Yan

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