Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Madness

Just sneaking in a post during halftime of the last thursday march madness game. I was perfect in my bracket today up until duke blew a 13-point lead and lost to virgnia commonwealth. That was also the only upset of the day, if u don't count mich. st. #9 beating marquette #8. I got kansas winning it in my money pool. C'mon bill self. But lemme get some NBA in.

Am I reading this right? J-Kidd in an awful shooting slump, 28% in march. That's horrid. Big Shot Billups is also struggling for buckets. That's the trade-off between most PG's: Good FT%, bad FG%. Big men: Good FG%, bad FT%. Nature of the beast unless u have d-wade, yao, or someone gifted like that. (wally sczerbiak as a less elite example.)

Al Jefferson is continuing his beastliness. Has he become the future of boston? What will happen to the TRUTH paul pierce?

I made an awful decision to trade away brandon roy for luke ridnour a month ago. I thought roy would tire a bit in his rookie season but he's just been better than ever in march. Thank god I got Earl Watson as a complement to ridnour, and he's been playing well.

Star-bury is lighting it up right now. I got him in a trade for caron butler right before the trade deadline, and now w/ caron's constant injuries i'm thinking i got the better of it. I dunno what's up with stephon. He can really play when he puts his mind to it. Last 6 games he's been raining 3's: The totals were: 4, 4, 6, 8, 3, 5. That's sick.

Luol Deng has turned into a fantasy factor this season, very nicely. He's actually cut down the # of 3's to almost zero, but all his other numbers improve and he's one of those "all-postives" guys, doesn't bog u down with turnovers or bad shooting, all the numbers are good across the board. Nothing exceptional, but 18.7 pts, 7 rebs, 2.4 assists, 1.2 stls, nice to have around. That 52.5 FG% clip also is very beneficial.

Best game of the season last night in Dallas. Dallas, best team in the league vs. Phoenix Suns, 2nd best team. Nash vs. Nowitzki. Dallas had the game in regulation, cough it up in the last few minutes, Nash hits a big-time 3 with seconds remaining to tie, goes into DOUBLE OVERTIME and suns win. Wow. Nice little preview to march madness right there.

Alright. That's it for now.

Fantasize on, Robert Yan

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

the return of Yao

Ah how i loved that movie, "The Year of Yao." I woulda loved that job of being Yao's interpreter. Thing is, I coulda been . I speak fluent Mandarin ( I speak it at home) and English, which is sufficient for Yao. However, it was nice to see Yao get adjusted into America.

Speaking of adjusting back to Yao, he just came off of injury, but he's wearing a knee brace. Meh. Played only 18 minutes.

Earl Watson really hot last 2 games since ridnour went down with injury. 10 pts, 9 assists, 4 stls tonight. Last night was even better. He could be a stud, but his FG% is not very good at all, very streaky shooter. Otherwise a solid player.

Sammy Dalembert, the Haitian Sensation, w/ a nice 20-board night. I um a borat: "NIIIIiiiiiiiicccceeee........"

Iguodala w/ a trip-double, 25, 10, 11. 6 TO's though: Not so good.

Zaza Pachulia took advantage of washington's lack of height and overall lack of defense and put up 27 pts, 12 Ribs, and 3 blks on 10-17 shooting. That's one...........white man.

So much for rumors of lebron's demise. He seems to have his best games against Detroit also. Somewhat impressed w/ Larry Hughes too. In the same game, C-Webb is thriving, i guess, in detroit. "I guess" because he's still not the young chris webber and it's only been like 30 games but his season at least has turned around.

Charlie Villaneuva w/ 6 three's. Shane Battier w/ 5 three-pointer's. Mike Miller w/ 4 trey's. Eddie Jones w/ 6 three's. Hey, when u get hot, u get hot.

Selection Sunday this Sunday. Expect Illinois to barely sneak in there. Need to beat penn state and prolly indiana subsequently, though.

-Fantasize on, Robert Yan

Sunday, March 4, 2007

o how i love my own website

I just sorta realized this, but this is pretty much my own free website- I run the show, I create the content, I can get people to view it from anywhere. I'm excited now.

I'm actually writing this late sunday night/monday morning, but o well.

Caron Butler had 7 TO's today vs. GSW.......too many. It reminds me of earlier in the season when he was turning it over a lot too, the middle of the season was his best stretch.

Delonte West had 0 pts at halftime, finished with 31 pts, 10 asts. Wow. Granted, w/ overtime in there too, but still.
Michael Redd = 52 pts, Ben Gordon = 58 pts. Nuff said. See, the thing about those guys is, i always undervalued them cuz they don't get the sexy stats like stls and blks and even rebs and assts they leave to be desired, but their points are amazing, and especially this year their percentages have been great, especially FT%. I've never owned either but i might starting next year.

Another player i've never owned: Ray Allen. Came back from injury to have another career game. This guy's so sick. I never think he's gonna do anything, then he explodes.

Ricky Davis is quietly having a pretty good season being the 2nd man in Minnesota.

Alright. I'm gonna go to sleep. Big Finance test tommorrow. ( Squeezes fingers.)

O I DID wanna mention this- all last week I stayed up on youtube watching The Mole II: the next betrayal, which i paid attention to for a bit back in 2002 but now I enjoy how fun it is. I can't believe it got cancelled...........that's the show that I really want to be brought back and me be a contestant on, it's almost a life goal for me. I guess even getting it back tho would be a long shot. Sigh. The episodes are so good, though, better than survivor AND amazing race, honors its tagline of "the smartest show on TV!" Most entertaining player: Al. Darwin I thought was also quite good at playing and possible mole for me, but unfortunately he got eliminated a little early.
Best game: Evader/Pass the Ball. Pass the ball was such a simple game but had so much psychology/subtleness in it, especially after Anderson brought out the "tapes" to show everybody, it was sabotage on top of sabotage on top of sabotage. So go out there and watch the mole so some network will pick it up for season 3. PLEASE!

-Fantasize on, Robert Yan

Saturday, March 3, 2007

i'm back

Sorry about that guys, I was really busy the last couple of weeks, coupled with the fact that I was depressed about my fantasy teams, and this blog seemed null and void. However, I didn't want to leave this blog hanging and the "thousands in attendance" and "millions watching at home" without my presence for TOO hard to believe this blog has been in existence for over a month now. College life really moves fast.

I'm just a sophomore in college but I'm looking at law school already because I have enough credits now that I can graduate in 3 years.........I'm looking at UCLA right now cuz it's a top 15 law school, my mom lives in LA so hopefully i can scrounge some in-state tuition soon, and the GPA scores and LSAT scores match mine almost identically. Other candidates: UC-Berkeley, Duke, University of Chicago, those might be a reach, hopefully U of I is a safety school, University of Texas, UC-San Diego, I got a lot of choices, just gotta see how i do on the LSAT in June, how much i can afford.

But on to the fantasy news. Since last i wrote, i traded Elton Brand for Dwyane Wade at the all-star break, and the VERY FIRST GAME that wade after that, he separates his shoulder. Out for the season. Or is he? Some say there's an outside chance wade could come back in about 5 weeks or so, so MAYBE, MAYBE he comes back for the end of the reg. season. In any case, he's almost useless for me, in a league that i REALLY needed a boost in assists and steals and FT%. It hurts.

Yao coming back? Everytime this guy gets injured it seems nobody knows when he's really gonna get back. The Houston people are really mysterious about their injury statuses.

Josh Smith recorded 9 turnovers tonight to offset 18 points, good shooting #'s, lotta boards, 5 assists, 1 stl, 3 blks. The guy is a statfiller, but he also stuffs some of the wrong stats at times, and his %'s are not to be desired. I love'em but gotta live w/ some of the other stuff, kinda like baron davis numbers if you kno what i mean.

Kevin Martin = stud. I traded him after his quick first-half start and he did reside a lil' bit, but now he's cranking them points like nobody's business. Here's the thing: He only avg's 1.7 TO's, he shoots a lotta free throws at an 87% clip, and FG% of 49%. That's REALLY REALLY good. He's like the anti-josh smith: Just gets u "clean" numbers, no bad stats, doesn't necessarily give u those sexy stls or blks or assists. If you put smith and martin together on a team, they offset each other nicely.

Hot pickup = jason williams. Looks like he's getting more into the offense
Emerging stud= Al Jefferson. Can he really put it together for one full season? Fantasy owners everywhere cross their fingers.
The guys who shoulda been traded that didn't get traded at the deadline seem to have a point to prove. Gasol, Kidd, and Bibby all seem to be playing better after the non-moves, kidd especially is playing w/ cracked ribs and prolly a cracked heart after his wife filed for divorce.

Alright i'll stop there, tone it down a bit for my first post back in weeks.

O quick fan baseball note: I LOVE Dice-K. Japanese players are gonna continue their progress w/ Hideki coming back this year, Dice-K, Ichiro contract year. I'm loving'em.

-Fantasize on,
Robert Yan