Sunday, December 11, 2022

Podcast (播客, ポッドキャスト, 팟캐스트)

 Not unlike most times in my life, I'm still stuck on an outdated technology (blogs) from the early-naughts, while all my peers are on much more modern tech (podcasts and Youtube channels). Seems like everyone nowadays has a podcast or a Youtube channel that it's become a bit cliche- I wonder what's the next big step? telepathically reading someone else's mind while walking on the street? I don't know if that's that far away actually, at least in terms of sensing brain waves, emotions, etc. 

But for now Podcasting is a very useful medium (unlike say, actually talking to people you're in the same room/car/elevator with- I just found out my Generation Z sister rarely ever talks to her roommate, only through text each other even at times when they're in the house together.) and I, like everyone else, has favorites and ones I subscribe to, including a few trivia podcasts that's like a slow IV drip of trivia pumping through my veins all hours of the day, my stock market podcasts that I've grown weary of this year due to all the doom and gloom this year in particular (just depressing hearing about how much money I'm going to lose in the near future). I did get inspired by one podcaster named Jeric from the College Jeopardy Teen Tournament, who channeled his energy for the show into a podcast where he interviewed Jeopardy contestants who had recently competed on the show. Loved the podcast......but alas, Jeric, being a college student and all, possibly ran into a busy schedule and hasn't been updating. 

Should I take the leap and start a podcast? A quick google search indicates it requires a microphone and headphones and possibly some other equipment, but otherwise yes I guess anyone can start a podcast; that's the power of technology these days. What's the one thing missing from all of our daily schedules? (Ok, from MY daily schedule?) A 10-minute recap of the Jeopardy episode from the previous night and commentary on the significant clues, how hard Final Jeopardy was, etc. I find myself going on Reddit anyway to interact with the J! community, but a podcast inserts the human touch of one's voice into it and gives you that feeling you don't just get from staring at text: Actual emotion and passion! 

If I had a podcast, I'd also talk about my most recent visit to a Jeopardy live taping show with MJ, my 2nd visit in 13 years. Without giving away any spoilers from that day's taping episode, I'll say that going isn't exciting as I thought it would be: there was a long wait just to get into the studio (we were probably waiting in line for just as long as actually were in the Jeopardy studio), we had to go on a random Tuesday afternoon which is work time for most Americans but more importantly meant they only shot 2 episodes, and by the time it was over it was 5:00PM, spitting us out into Culver City and the heart of....LA traffic. Horror of Horrors. 

Other than that, though, the taping was a was a Ken episode! (My hero; Mayim has grown on me a tad and is important to appeal to certain demographics to expand the show's audience but MJ has strong feelings on her...body movements), but the biggest takeaway for me was how fast the show was: at home I can pause the show at any time to think of the answer, and I often give myself too much leeway to think of the answer, much longer than the show would allow for, but the actual show just goes bam-bam-bam, almost no breaks, and the contestants mostly answer immediately without any hesitation. Pretty intimidating, although I do suspect at least one of the games that the competition was an above average performance from a couple really good players. If I never make it on to Jeopardy, at least I'll know I lived vicariously at those tapings and tested myself through them, and fared.....OK! And if I do make it on, at least I will be familiar and not look like a cooked goose up there or (better animal metaphor) deer in headlights. 

Now to think up some names for my podcast......Bobby's Hobbies? Bob's Pod? Robert Yan the Man with the Podcast Plan? 

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