Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Like eating rice porridge 식은 죽 먹기

This past Memorial Day weekend I went to a bachelor party for a longtime friend in Denver, Colorado consisting of rafting, drinking, watching TV, going to a brewery, steaks, riding ATVs, etc. Not just any rafting, whitewater rafting, the kind that gets romanticized on TV as battling the currents of a wild river, barely being able to control the boat past treacherous whirlpools, crashing against the rocks, and possibly going down a waterfall, or at least that's what I thought it would be. 

The reality, alas, is a bit different than reality, and whether due to legal reasons and/or practical concerns, the actual whitewater rafting was kind of a piece of cake (the Korean idiom is that it's like eating rice porridge, something easy to digest), with the real currents not being like the notorious "Lava Falls" of the Colorado River and instead  being a slightly higher level than Disneyland's Kali Rapids; I actually slightly enjoyed the Kali Rapids more honestly, there was a vertical height component to it. We all wore dry suits and helmets for safety reasons, but there really wasn't any serious dangers for anybody and not THAT much water rushing into the boat. Kind of a disappointment in the lack of treachery (if we're going to go for it, we want something more exhilarating!) Kind of a gentle reminder of how some things don't exactly turn out the way they think they will, or where the fantasy of something is better than the reality (other examples include adult life, cruises, and fancy restaurant dishes). 

The second part of the "adventure day" was the ATV (all-terrain vehicle, I learned something new!) riding into the Colorado desert roads. It was all fun and games except one of our bachelor party members went too fast on the ATV and fell off, busting his lip and requiring stitches! (and a hefty bill for damaging the ATV). A cool experience, but just like they don't tell you that all the legal issues waters down the whitewater rafting experience, they also don't tell you that ATV's cough up a ton of dust in their wake, and when 10 dudes in a party all have to follow each other in single file formation, all that dust gets into the faces of the next person in line. All the eye poop I kept digging out of my eyes the next day as a result dampened the nice experience of riding in a motorized bike, probably the closest I'll come to riding a motorcycle ever. And as our fellow bachelor party member illustrated, they can be kind of dangerous! No seat belt, just a helmet to protect one's head, all other parts of one's body are unprotected. 

Other things in life that are like eating rice porridge: 
1.) hitting an open 3 in the NBA: should be easy with all the practice that the pros get and you get paid to hit them, but the Houston Rockets missed 27 (!) straight 3-pointers in Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals and coughed up a 15-point lead at one point to lose to Golden State. Sigh. 

2.) Watching a well-behaved cat: MJ has been tasked with cat-sitting for a week and the cat is so adorable, she barely needs to be watched. It's more like the cat is humansitting MJ and letting her touch her all the time and have a feline friend. 

3.) picking Chinese-based stocks and making a profit lately (BABA, BIDU, IQ, BZUN), except if your name is Robert Yan and you picked up Weibo stock even after their stock tumbled after their earnings report thinking it was some kind of overreaction by the market. Nope, people just don't like the stock. Learn from this, Robert! 

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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