Thursday, February 8, 2018

Tests (考試)


5。 考试时有个体卡住的话,占时跳过,回头再做。说不定后面有哪个题可以提醒你跳过的题的关键,给点线索。最好不要死在一个题上绞尽脑汁,浪费好多时间。经常这种题被人也不太会,大家都错的话至少你腾出时间去做别的题了。

Growing up in American schools I often got praised by teachers and fellow students when I got a good grade in class, telling me I was smart. I didn't analyze it back then and accepted my reputation as being smart. The older I get, the more I realize that I actually am not that smart, and wasn't that smart back then neither, I bumped into plenty of people who have more knowledge, both in a broad amount of subjects and the depth of their knowledge. I got good grades mostly because I was clever about taking tests, (which I guess is kind of its own "test smart") and learned some techniques which I share here.

1.) Get a good night's sleep. Don't lose sleep the night before a test studying. on test day the brain needs to be clear, like an athlete who is well-fed, the brain also needs o be well-fed, and the brain's fuel/food is sleep. You lose the ability to develop memories sometimes when you don't have enough sleep, so it's a good idea to go to sleep anyway otherwise you lose all that knowledge you just tried to cram.
2) Look at a problem from the professor/teacher's point of view. Why is the teacher asking this question, what is he trying to test out of the materials he gave us? Is there a trick I'm missing?
3.) Waking up in the morning, don't fill your mind with clutter, focus on the exam. There's a reason exams are mostly in the morning, it's to let people take the test when their minds are still fresh, so don't pollute the environment in your brain.
4. Try to get a practice test or the test from last year and actually go through one as if taking a real test. This helps time management.
5. If stuck on one problem, skip it for now, come back to it later. Later questions might trigger your memory of something that you studied and point you in the right direction, give some clues. Best not to get stuck on one question and waste a lot of time; many times this type of question will get everyone else stuck too and no one will answer it correctly; if so then at least you saved time to go to other questions and answered them well.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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