Friday, December 22, 2017

Saving Money (金をためる)

"Yo Money ain't got owners; just spenders." - Omar Little, The Wire

A very existential quote from everyone's favorite character from NOT everyone's favorite show, but I must disagree: money belongs to people who don't necessarily have to spend it right away; there's something called "saving money" that's a delicate and perhaps lost art among millennials nowadays.

Everyone likes money; money doesn't discriminate, it doesn't raise a fuss, it doesn't burden you with  30-minute video before you can access it, money doesn't get clingy and have attachment anxiety to its previous owner, it willingly serves whoever its master is. So that's why people who are lucky enough to come into possession of money need to take care of it. Nowadays, the interest rate at ranks is REALLY low, so it's beneficial to put it in something like investments or bonds, or a CD, or a Lending Club account, SOMETHING so that the money doesn't just decrease in value due to inflation.

I'll admit, I'm all about saving money. Something inside me really stirs when I see money accumulate in a bank account. Some people like the look of brand new luxury imported cars, some people like trying every restaurant in the world to pick out the most exotic dishes out there, I personally just like the satisfaction of growing my bank account. Call me Uncle Scrooge or a money hoarder, but I've never had that much money or had access to that much money; each time I raise my bank account balance is a historical high for me, and I'd like to see how far I can extend the record (Actually probably not that great of an idea, once the bank account gets too high I should probably pull it from the bank's 0.00001% interest rate........

It's not easy to save money. It takes a careful calculation of how much income is coming in, how many fixed costs there are (mortgage/rent, insurance, bills, etc.) and then the big one, the discretionary income. It seems like every time I make a purchase, I have to weigh the pleasure of receiving the good or service I'm gonna get versus the pleasure I get from seeing my bank account increase. It's not an easy choice most of the time. There were definitely times I let loose with my wallet and said "yes" to almost everything, especially the end of my twenties when I felt it was the "end of an era," and definitely more times I said "no" after I turned 30 in an attempt to "start the decade off right" with wise purchases and thinking towards the future.

Saving, unfortunately, is not a sexy term thrown around at parties or among social circles. There's nothing "cool" about saving money. People who mention it are almost doing it apologetically, like there's something wrong with it and off putting in some way. I say go for it! People (including myself, I have a big problem with this actually) love looking cool by paying for the bill or "getting it" for other people or pretending like they don't have any restraints by spending a lot, especially at Vegas or some fancy establishment, it's like going for the one-night stand, for that one night being a baller will make you a hero with everyone but then abandon you the next day when you feel empty inside (and inside the wallet), but the saving philosophy will last with you for the rest of your life and keep you feeling fulfilled, spouse material. I am definitely the latter kind, and am happily married/ on the way to many savings!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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