Monday, February 14, 2011


Assembly of random quotes I've heard in my life the last week or so.

"Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and Dodge." ---> all our teammates in dodgeball, before playing our first game of dodgeball and getting thoroughly trounced.

"Hey you looked good on the tennis court." --> friend who was also playing tennis on a neighboring court, clearly seeing only a few select points and not my true self.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" --> classmate who apparently likes celebrating one of the worst holidays ever invented.

"You can always win at chess if you hit your opponent over the head with a hammer." --> corporate tax professor, trying to describe different approaches to solving corporate tax conundrums.

"Trrrooojaannnnn Basketball!" --> Spiros Papadegas, announcer of USC Basketball.... Trojans lost Saturday at home v. Oregon, pretty much ending their hopes for an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament. NIT hopes in jeopardy.

"In five years we'll have Skynet." --> classmate, commenting on the advent of Watson on Jeopardy, predicting the takeover of computers sooner rather than later.

"Woooooooo!!!!!" --> classmate greeting me, mocking one of my not-so-epic moments of 1L year, when I paused to take a breath and instead evincing the previous noise.

"Human Centipede tells the story of a German doctor who kidnaps three tourists and joins them surgically, anus to mouth, forming a 'human centipede.'" --> heard in the journal office, someone describing the plot synopsis of The Human Centipede, which sounds like a horrific movie that I never want to watch.

"I'll always do favors for Leslie Knope because she asks for favors to help other people." --> why I love Parks and Recreation.

"Why do I have to be Mr. Pink? Why can't I be Mr. White?" --> Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs, one of the best movies I've ever seen (saw it first in 2005, still like it)

"I hate Valentine's Day." --> Robert Yan.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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