Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gone Cruisin'

To put an end to 2009, did a little bit of cruisin' on Carnival with the rentals... Catalina Island and Encinida, Mexico.

Tip on going on a cruise: Go with some people you know, like a family of relatives or a group of friends. It's not impossible to meet people on the cruise, but it's a lot more fun starting with people you're comfortable with.

Gambling- didn't expect it on this trip, but definitely a lot of options available. Played blackjack on 3 different nights and ended up exactly at 0. Well, actually, probably ended up ahead, but gave out $40 total for tips.

The 2009 gift of the year was the Zhu Zhu hamster, did NOT get one for anybody. My guess next year: Cristianado Ronaldo bobblehead dolls, or Landon Donovan dolls if the U.S. gets really lucky (prognosis doubtful).

Watchin' True Blood Season 1 on HBO. Apparently BIG TV sensation this past year in season 2. I can see why.

Back to glory days: USC Law Fantasy Football Championship 2009. Hopefully "back to glory days" will be the story of USC Law football next season.

Interesting to see what the 2010 New Year's Day Glasses will look like, I can imagine that it's a little skewed to the right because of the placement of the zero's. Have to get a whole new design in 2011.

Is it me or is the January 2010 TV debut season SO MUCH better than the Fall season? So many good shows PREMIERING, and on all different networks: I'm excited about Coach moving to East Dillon High on Friday Night Lights, Jack Bauer's (possible = yea right) demise on 24 this season, the conclusion of the Lost saga (wow that's huge) and on other sleeper show I wanna tune you into: Chuck. I've watched 2 seasons of this show and I have yet to be disappointed. Just a hip, spontaneous, 43-minutes-well-spent-if-you-watch-it-without-commercials. So big things popping in 2010. Again, just want to emphasize again, 2010 is gonna be MY YEAR.

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