Saturday, January 3, 2009

My fascination w/ Scott Turow

Scott Turow is my newest A.T.I.E.W, or Author that I'm enamored with. This guy knows how to write, and he's a lawyer. My kind of fella. Not

Turow's style is very engaging, told in a story format but also with enough sophistication and background about the legal system so as to give an informative twist to the story. In "Presumed Innocent," he assumes a first-person point of view masterfully, and it's as if we go through the long train of memory by the main character, Rusty Sabich, image by image. Not like comic-book style image by image w/ Spiderman flying through the New York sky to battle Dr. Octopus, but very real, very human emotions filled within the pages. (Instead of the peanut butter or cookie crumbs that usually somehow get into my books).
Here's a masterful passage:

"We were not, I realized later, lovers who fulfilled each other's needs. For all her pretense to sophistication, I found that she could border on the gross. She liked to talk dirty..........." Ok, sorry, wrong passage.

"I wonder at first if he is talking about the eulogy he is going to deliver. He has just looked over his notes again and is returning two index cards to the breast pocket of his blue beige suit." Very detailed, very indicative of what the main character is thinking, I love it.

O, for you law school nerds out there, put down the glannon civil procedure book, look up for your outlining, and put a brake on chasing ambulances to read "One L," a non-fiction about Turow's own passage through one-L year. Man it's scary, but it shows true bravery. Most non-lawyers would say the rite of passage to becoming a lawyer shows as much courage as taking out the garbage, but 1L year is hard, lemme tell ya.

Anyway, get on that like Latrell Sprewell's former wives get on Latrell Sprewell for child support. ("It's hard feeding your kids when you're an NBA player" )

Anyone ever see Andre Miller shoot? It's not a pretty site. It's like he's almost embarrassed to be tossing up the shot, he already knows beforehand it's not going in. Well, I just acquired him for ron artest.

Best moment for me of ron artest: Fight at Auburn Hills. Gots the crazed look in his eye like he's about to gut a chicken and splash the blood on somebody's face. We also get a nice pic of his armpit hair as he's lying on the scorer's table, as well as what's left of the one dude's face who's stupid enough to get in the way. That's like waving a red flag at a crazed bull, man. There will be consequences.

Predictions for the rest of the NBA season:

1.) Tony "I found myself the hottest woman in the world and made her my wife" Parker will finish with the best numbers of his career, at least scoring wise, as the Spurs' 3rd option, Ginobili, is hobbled, Tim Duncan cuts half a point off his scoring average each year he gets older, and the rest of the Spurs team couldn't hit Santa Clause's torso w/ a snowball (unlike Fred Claus, who did so repeatedly in the 2007 movie).

2.) Yao "he's my homeboy so I got nothing bad to say about him" Ming is gonna finish the year w/o a significant injury. Yay! And now that I said it he'll probably blow his ACL the next game. Seriously, though, he might have purchased an invisible circle of protection over the off-season cuz he's actually as healthy as salads this year.

3.) John "don't mistake me for trout cuz I'm actually" Salmons will become the #1 scoring option for the Kings this year. They got a lot of young offensive talent on that team but not enough D, and Kev-Mart will let go of that role and be Robin to Salmons's batman.

4.) Jarret "I'm definitely not a white cracker" jack will replace T.J. "does anyone know what the T and J stand for" Ford as the starting point guard for Indiana, either through consistent injuries or ford or just by merit.

5.) D.J. "I was actually born in November" Augustin will be Larry Brown's favorite, and cause Raymond "I reached down into my pants and" Felton to be jettisoned from north carolina for the first time in his life.

6.) Nene "don't be tellin' me I'm not funny" Hilario will be injured at some point in the season and be out. Seriously, this guy is the livin Frankenstein with 2 reconstructed knees, a new elbow, dented shoulder caps, and high cholestrol. If I were the nuggs, I'd check his eyes to make sure they weren't pulled out of someone else's sockets.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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